Social hubs are a place to connect with friends, maximise independence and enjoy the social part of life.
Social activity groups support you to stay connected and active in your community. Our social hubs run planned activities that enable you to get out and about, learn new skills, try new experiences and increase social connection.
Hubs are a warm and welcoming place to come and socialise in a fun, interactive and supportive environment. In a relaxed atmosphere you can catch up with old and new friends and take part in our activities.
Where available transport to and from the hub can be booked. Your day includes morning tea, lunch and transport on our buses during the day.
This service is open to older Tasmanians and people with disability.
The programs that fund this type of social support are Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), Home Care Packages (HCP), Home and Community Care program (HACC) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Persons wishing to pay fee for service are welcome.
Find us
We have social hubs in New Town and Kingston.
Operating hours
Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 3.00pm
Contact our client services team on 1300 227 827 to learn more and arrange a trial visit.

Social Hub program
The social hub program is produced monthly for our hubs located in New Town, Kingston and Cygnet. We often have outings and activities that bring all the hubs together.