CBS Buddy program
Dec 03, 2021
We’ve joined the Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) Buddy Program to help support our new starters as they embark on their careers at CBS.
Starting a new job can be quite stressful and at times feel quite isolating. New employees haven’t got to know their colleagues yet and are unfamiliar with their new work environments, work processes and general ways of doing things. Providing them with a buddy who can help ease the transition into their new workplace and job role can be helpful. The purpose of assigning a buddy to new employees is to help them adapt to the workplace’s culture and understand how things work in a more relaxed, less formal manner.
The benefits of a buddy program
- Helps creates a welcoming environment
- Reduces the initial confusion and uncertainty faced by all new employees
- Clarifies roles and responsibilities
- Increases the new employee’s self confidence
- Helps employees take responsibility for their own learning
- Ensures consistency of services to our community
This program has been designed specifically for workplace buddies looking after new employees as part of the Aged Care Sector Traineeship Program. CBS has 4 enrolled trainees from 2021 and we’re excited to upskill plenty more in 2022.
This training program covers the skills and knowledge required by buddies to engage in an effective buddy relationship with new employees. It provides them with practical skills, knowledge and tools they can use to assist them in their role as a Workplace Buddy.
Topics covered by the training include:
- Learning Styles (getting buddies to think about the different ways we learn, i.e. left brain-right brain, Kinaesthetic etc.)
- Communication
- Dealing with difficult situations (anger)
- Coping with difficult emotions in others
- What is a Buddy
- Buddy responsibilities
- Tips for Buddies
A supportive start to your career with CBS
CBS ensures all new starters are paired with a ‘buddy’ worker for their first couple of shifts to further embed the knowledge gained from their induction day at the CBS Head Office. This program provides our new employees with a supportive start to their careers at CBS. It also gives our clients peace of mind, knowing they will receive a consistent level of support and knowledge independent of who their support worker is.
I will always welcome and greet new employees and make their first day as smooth as possible – (Bianca Perkins, CBS support worker)
If you’re interested in a career that supports you from day one, visit our careers page to find out more about CBS and the benefits we offer you.